Wednesday, 12 July 2017


Just in case I have to go through this again at some point I thought I would write my own personal IVF survival list. Hopefully this will help some of you guys too! Here it is:

Food & Drink:

Bottles of Water - Drinking lots of water is really important when going through IVF. I felt quite thirsty at times.

Prunes / Prune Juice - For after EC. Not sure why but I was really constipated! (TMI - Sorry).

Brazil Nuts - I eat 3 a day. They're amazing for protein apparently. 

Avocados - Some say this triples your success rate!

Many say a high protein and low carb diet is what's best. A bit like the mediterranean diet. I must admit, I haven't ditched the carbs but have def upped my protein intake. 

Beauty Products:

Face Spritz - For hot flushes! I had a few of those. It didn't help that it's been an incredibly hot summer here in the UK though.

A good cleanser, toner, moisturiser and eye cream - Everyday must haves anyway but I find these really help my skin.

Bio Oil - I use this to help with the bruises from the injections on my stomach. I make sure it's at a time when we're not injecting though. So maybe sometime after injecting when I know I'll be having a shower before injecting again. (Over cautious I guess). 

Champneys Heavenly Days Sleep Temple Balm - For those days when I'm struggling to sleep. This didn't happen until after I stopped all the drugs (they made me super tired!). It was after egg collection that I needed this. I guess I was worried about what was going to happen next and couldn't sleep. 

Femfresh Shower Gel - I use it every day, but it's especially good for egg collection day as no perfumed products are allowed.

Medication etc:

Paracetamol - It's great to have this to hand in case I get a headache when downregging. I think I had two quite bad headaches altogether but don't remember actually taking any paracetamol. 

Sanitary Towels - I only used these after egg collection as I got a little bit of spotting. But barely any to be fair. I would have been okay without them.


Comfy Clothes - Having IVF has made me pretty bloated so I've had to ditch my skinny jeans and anything with a tight waist band. Instead, opting for super comfy pyjamas and leggings with floaty tops. 

Magazines - I mainly needed them when waiting to have egg collection at the hospital but as my down reg and stim meds made me feel tired I read a lot whilst on the sofa too.

A Diary or Blog - Writing this blog has really helped to get my thoughts straight. 

Time off Work - Being able to sleep when I need to sleep and rest when I need to rest has been such a help. 

Eliminate Negativity - It's easier said than done (my poor nan battled Cancer and passed away whilst I've been going through this process). But we can stay away from negativity where possible. 

Most Importantly - Stay chilled! Relaxing is key. 

Jess. xx

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This probably isn't what some of you were expecting but the pregnancy worked out and we finally have our baby girl!  I'm sorry...